Simple Sweet Home

The Path to Simplicity: Nature’s undisputed TRUTHS

Nature is fascinating when you sit back and look at it. It is the undisputed truths that are so intriguing. Everything seems to work perfectly in harmony, from the life cycles, the colors, and the music nature makes; waves crashing, birds singing, and thunderstorms.


Recently I have discovered something hidden in the seasons; natural wisdom. Wisdom is the ability or result of thinking and acting utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.

Something our modern society has left behind and looking at the inteligencia as a guide.


Instinct is woven into the fabric of all living creatures, knowing what to do at the right time. Why does it seem like confusion is now the norm? We may have complicated what was intended to be simple.

What if we quiet the noise and look at nature, at the undisputed things; is simplicity there?




A time to get ready. The days are cooler, the nights longer, and birds and other animals gather fruits and seeds, preparing for winter. Some animals hibernate, others migrate; all-knowing change is happening and moving just in tune with it. They are working. Work seems valuable to their well-being; they enjoy the task and move with purpose. Instinct is their guide, their teacher; they are at peace. Could peace be our guide? If we have no peace, could that be our guide to leave that which is disturbing us?



A time for rest. Winter the coldest season of the year; days are short, and nights are long. The life cycle reveals itself.  Many plants die during this time of year, leaving their seeds behind. The seeds rest in the ground until spring. Trees and shrubs have buds on their branches where new leaves and flowers live, waiting for the sunshine and rains of the spring. They know the exact time to bloom; until then, they wait. Why are we humans in such a rush? Could stillness help us to avoid hardships? What if the bud tried to bloom in the winter? Would it work?


It’s a quiet time in nature.



A time of New Life. The spring offers us more sunlight and rain. Seeds resting in the cold winter now have the warmth and water they need to grow. Animals that were hibernating wake up, and migrating animals return.

Sounds of spring

  • Birds singing, often louder and livelier this time of year.
  • A tinkling stream.
  • Wind rustling in the trees.
  • April showers.
  • Bees buzzing.

Winter gives nature a quiet time, and spring gives way to beautiful sounds; both have their place.



A time to grow. Fruits and vegetables are beginning to grow. Lots of flowers are blooming. Plants and trees are given fruits, and many flowers bloom in different colors. It’s a playful time of year, with lots of movement from animals and insects. Nature seems to be enjoying the fruits of its labor. They do not seem to be preoccupied with another season; they are content in enjoying the season they are in.



Truly observing nature teaches us that everything under heaven has a purpose. Nature also has perfect timing and cycles. Nothing is added or taken away; it produces a crop with only what God has provided. The human ego tends to think of nature as a resource for survival, but could it also be a teacher?


The moon, sun, rivers, clouds, mountains, rain, water, and livings creature seem to move about the earth with a purpose. They seem to be doing what they are called to do with pure enjoyment.


It’s incredible!


We know that God causes the sun to shine on both evil and good people, and as much moral enlightenment and guidance, a person will open himself up to receive what he’ll be freely given.

Even if a person squeezes his eyes shut and insists that ‘There is no sun,’ he’ll still be warmed and fed and comforted by the very light that he denies. – Charlotte Mason