Simple Sweet Home

Edit your clothing in 7 steps

One of the significant places in a home that quickly becomes cluttered is the bedroom closet. Clothes are one the easiest things to purchase and one of the easiest things to become dissatisfied with. Closets have increased in size over the past few decades – subconsciously prompting us to fill them. Few find it easy to keep them organized; many are overwhelmed with clutter.


What is the effect of clutter?

The Conversation published an article stating, “research shows disorganization and clutter have a cumulative effect on our brains. Our brains like order, and constant visual reminders of disorganization drain our cognitive resources, reducing our ability to focus. The visual distraction of clutter increases cognitive overload and can reduce our working memory.”

When we think of hoarding, we typically think of a home where you can not walk comfortably. By definition, hoarding is having persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. Hoarding is also an excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value. We don’t like to think of ourselves as hoarders, but many of us have our closets stuffed with clothing and accessories we have not used in years.


Hoarding can also cause physical pain, more details on this here What Does Clutter Does to Your Brain?


What are the benefits?

While clothes are a necessity, do we need an excessive amount?  Picture the standard-size closet today versus the 1950s – we went from a reach-in to a walk-in closet. Clothes have become cheaper, prompting us to purchase more frequently with less thought. Are we truly more satisfied with this practice?

Decluttering our closet could offer us a clutter-free, simple space.  A simplified, decluttered wardrobe usually has fewer clothes, the only clothing used, and the only clothing we feel great in. A clutter-free closet comes with many benefits. Here is a list of some:

  • Identify your style – it’s easier to identify your style when having fewer options
  • Less Laundry
  • Better quality – purchasing less clothing can offer quality over quantity
  • Easier to pack for trips
  • Walk-in closets are not necessary – less square footage is needed when searching for a home
  • Less to think about – more accessible to get dressed in the morning
  • Save money – having fewer clothes and only pieces we love will prompt less shopping, saving us $


Decluttering your closet is one of the most rewarding tasks that can be done in a home. Starting the day with less decision-making and a clear mind makes the rest of the day better! If you live with others, this project is also the best one to start with – as you will be working with your personal belongings.


Edit your clothing in 7 steps

1. Esthetically – How would you like your closet to look?

About ten years ago, I visited a friend who had the closet of my dreams. It was large but not stuffed; this made it pleasing to the eye. Her clothing was curated to only her best pieces, with minimal color options; she carefully selected colors that complemented her style. Her closet did not show signs of abundance; it showed a well-put-together person. I knew at that moment that’s how I wanted my closet.


2. Take a break from shopping.

This is very important; if your current clothing needs to be sorted, organized, and curated, adding new items will only add to the clutter. There is no exact timeline for the shopping pause. However, the longer you wait, the better. If you shop every week, then set a 30-day delay on shopping.

3. Set aside unused clothing.

The clothing you don’t have to think twice about getting rid of or setting them aside to donate or sell. For the more difficult pieces to get rid of, put them into a bag and set them aside out of sight for about 30-60 days. Once you are sure you no longer need them, it is time to let them go. Minimizing your clothes will make it easier to get and keep them organized.


4. Scale down again.

Repeat numbers 2 & 3. If you feel that your closet is full and cluttered, repeating these steps will help with the editing of your clothing and will also help with identifying the amount of clothing you use. The less we have, the better when it comes to organizing.

5. Settle for good enough.

Here is one of the biggest secrets of all time, there is no such thing as the best. We can search for days, weeks, or years; still, there will always be something better and newer. There is something so satisfying when buying something new; typically, that satisfaction is short-lived. The more we enjoy the pieces of clothing and do not seek the perfect wardrobe, the less likely we are to impulse shop.

6. Identify Your Style

Try everything on; make sure you like how you feel and look. Ask yourself whether your clothing represents who you are today. The goal is to enjoy every piece and only purchase when ready to replace a piece of clothing. If you need help, ask a friend, or search the Web. But tread causally when searching the Web as you may get so inspired that you will purchase a look that is not yours. It took me many years to realize that I like the classic 90’s style, which is somewhat timeless; let me stick to that! 

7. Make it pretty.

Now the ever-so-earned fun part is to make your closet pretty. Closet organizing one-O-one, all the hangers should be the same, and no wire hangers! Find the ones you like, purchase the amount you need, and do not purchase more. This will ensure you are not growing your closet (unless you’re a fashionista). If you like to have your shoes off the floor, purchase shoe racks/shelves—purchase baskets for accessories such as scarves, belts, and hats.


Final Thoughts

This is your closet and must be customized to your needs! Decluttering can seem daunting, but employing some simple, practical steps can get you started. The benefits of having a simple, clutter-free closet can easily translate to other areas of the home, ultimately offering a simple, well-organized, clutter-free home.


Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash