Simple Sweet Home

Minimalist Homeschool: Tips to Simplify

Minimalist homeschooling is a practical way to outline your homeschool day, leaving much room for creating joyful long-lasting memories. From the classical homeschooler to the unschooler, minimalist homeschooling and its principles can be applied to most teaching styles. Minimalism is best described as living with less, leaving space in our lives to focus on the …

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Can Language Corrupt Thought?

“If thought can corrupt language, then language can corrupt thought.” -George Orwell. Communication is vital in human life and in building a healthy society. Effective communication through the use of language enables us to connect with others.   What is language? Language is a communication system comprised of words used by a particular community. Language …

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Beginners Guide to Homeschooling

We wanted to homeschool three years before we started and had many questions, some of the same questions you may have today. Deciding whether or not to homeschool is a big decision. There is a large community of homeschoolers that are able and willing to help guide you to have a successful start. The ultimate …

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The Benefits of Homeschooling

If you recently started toying with the thought of homeschooling, this post is for you. I want to encourage you that if you feel called to homeschool your child, you really can do it. We wanted to homeschool three years before we started. We were outsourcing our daughter’s education, spending countless hours commuting, working a job …

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Top 10 COZY things to do in FALL

Exciting, Fall is here! Fall is the perfect time of year to start the coziest family traditions. The calendar New Year starts in January, but I always feel the New Year begins in the Fall. It’s the kickstart to new beginnings and celebrating.   Gods give us the natural beauty that comes with change; seasons! …

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Book List 2022

There’s just nothing like cracking open a new book! One of the best ways to spend our time is by pondering new ideas and unpacking old ones. Books can answer the most challenging questions of our times; they can also be an escape, a moment to relax and enjoy the simplicity of a good story. …

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A Minimalist Wardrobe: 10 Benefits

Does simplicity intrigue you? Having a minimalist wardrobe can genuinely simplify your entire day. Daily we are faced with making thousands of decisions; the weight of our decisions may vary from small ones, like what to wear, to more complex life decisions. Decision fatigue is a real thing. Your brain can only make a limited …

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