Simple Sweet Home


Opinions: Justice in Thought

We are 87 days away from nominating the 47th president of the United States of America! What an exciting time; it will shape our country for generations! But have we done our due diligence in considering the nominees?   We have moved entirely to the online platform as our designated place for public discourse. Though …

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The Image-Based Culture

Once upon a time, humanity lived without cameras, television, and social media. We also lived without all the age-defying products and surgeries. Are we making progress with all these new technologies the modern world has brought? When new technological advances are made, there is something to celebrate: the overwhelming knowledge humans have to create! The …

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Random Thoughts 002

“I feel it’s a great responsibility because I have only one chance. If I don’t grow up right, I can’t go back and begin over again.” -Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery    

The Art of Narration: part II

This is the Continuation of “The art of narration part I.” Narration is a wonderful tool for developing many skills, skills that seem to have been lost in the modern world.   Photo by Abhishek Koli on Unsplash

The Art of Narration

“Narration comes naturally to us; what is the first thing we do when we come home? We share what happened in our day. Education is no more than an applied philosophy. One of the hallmarks of a Charlotte Mason education is the art of Narration. This prepares the child to think for themselves and determine …

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Random Thoughts 001

Moses and Darwin both revealed a word from God. It is not a mere choice between the two; rather, God wrote two books. The first one was nature.

The Paradox of Testing Students

We don’t have to look far to know our society is disconnected. There is a noticeable division. Historically, many governments have failed us; therefore, now more than ever, we must think for ourselves. Our community tomorrow will be based on the children of today. How are we raising them? Modern-day culture has outsourced our children’s …

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How to choose a homeschool curriculum

The first question most people ask when they begin their homeschool journey is, “What curriculum should I choose?” I asked myself the same question. After spending much time unpacking what homeschooling means to us, I have concluded that the educational philosophy truly matters. Behind all curriculums is a philosophy in education. Knowing what philosophy is …

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Nutritious Literature VS. Twaddle

We recently read this excellent book with our 6-year-old daughter called, The Emperor’s New Clothes by Ned Bustard. It was filled with suspense, drama, and morale. She enjoyed it; we enjoyed it! She read it several times, unpacking more of the story every time she read. ~ The story goes something like this. There was …

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