Simple Sweet Home

Can Language Corrupt Thought?

“If thought can corrupt language, then language can corrupt thought.” -George Orwell.

Communication is vital in human life and in building a healthy society. Effective communication through the use of language enables us to connect with others.


What is language?

Language is a communication system comprised of words used by a particular community. Language is the primary tool for expressing one’s thoughts and is used to transmit information from one person to another. Good, clear communication is one of the foundations of having a civilized society.

By delivering messages clearly, good communication leaves less room for misunderstanding, decreasing the potential for conflict and confusion. 



Our modern-day culture is trying to redefine the definition of the words Men and Women. Any sane person would find it troublesome.


Humans have two sex chromosomes, X and Y, that, in combination, determine the sex of an individual. Dating back to when Old English was first spoken in the 5th century AD, two different words were used to define the difference between males and females. The words men and women were used to specify “person” or “human being.” 


Women are born with XX chromosomes, and men with XY chromosomes. Both have reproductive organs which differ from each other yet work perfectly together to create human life.

A chromosome is a structure found inside the nucleus of a cell. It is primarily associated with physical and physiological features, gene expression, hormone levels, and reproductive function, defined as the sexual anatomy.

Chromosomes are the physical makeup of the human body, and empirical evidence, science, tells us both men and women differ.

If common sense is at work, do we need science to determine the difference between men and women? When babies are born, do their body features look the same?



What is gender?

In simple terms, it is society’s way of identifying and affirming the two sexes, male and female, otherwise known as men and women. For centuries cultures have identified genders by dress, colors, hairstyle, etc.

We are now in a time where gender identity is based on how you feel, and gender expression is how you choose to express your gender identity through your name, pronouns, clothing, hairstyle, behavior, voice, or body features. Gender expression includes using facilities (like washrooms and change rooms) that match your sense of gender.


While a person may feel like the opposite gender, it does not mean they are the opposite sex in their biological makeup.

Gender affirmations by dress and hairstyle do not change a person’s biology; it will only change their way of expressing themselves.



Why does gender matter?

Society is comprised of humans, and humans reproduce to create human life. Only one man and one woman can produce human life.

Research has shown us that the healthiest children are raised by their biological parents, offering unique qualities to the child.

Research has also revealed the developmental, physiological, and behavioral issues a child has when raised in broken homes or with their biological parents. Thankfully there is always an exception but the norm is the children suffer. The negative consequences of family breakdown affect every aspect of society and can not be overlooked.


Nothing can be more evident than a child’s upbringing later dictates their choices, whether good or bad. Theodore Dalrymple has shared the common thread written in Life at The Bottom; it all starts in the home.

Children become adults who then lead our society. If both genders matter when raising a healthy, happy human, should gender not matter when building a healthy society?



Words have meaning; not only do they have meaning, but they also have a purpose. Males and females have distinct characteristics and qualities, and conflating them will only harm society.

Redefining the meaning of women and men would be in complete opposition to the scientific facts of human anatomy.

The only argument I have ever heard has been based on feelings. Feelings do not have any bearing when it comes to truth. Shall we all live in delusion that there is no difference between men and women?

The truth that nature brings us, which can be viewed through the lens of science, can not be disputed. Men and women are not the same. I marvel at how perfectly we are made and made for each other.



There is a theory that one who suffers from gender dysphoria has been born into the wrong body. Nature and science will tell us otherwise.

Psychiatrist John F. Oliven of Columbia University coined the term transgender in the 1960s. Virginia Charles Prince, previously known as Arnold Lowman, later popularized the term.


Transgender, by definition, means a person whose gender identity or gender expression does not correspond with the sex assigned at birth. The sex of a baby is not assigned by choice but by its biological chromosomes. This relativity new word transgender has been disguised as truth but is not based on facts.

Not only have we been trying to redefine men and women as a culture, but we are also now allowing toddlers to select their gender.

Parents are raising their children without telling them their sex; teenagers can choose to be put on puberty blockers and have elective “gender reassignment” surgery.

Do you think this makes sense?


Why are we, as a culture, trying to redefine words that are the basic makeup of a human? Would this not lead to the breakdown of the family and confusion?

Confusion reaps chaos; it also leads to the transfer of power from the people to the elite, intelligentsia, and big pharma, who claim to have the answer to solve a problem.

An entire society should not have to cow down and be made to call people by their preferred pronoun. This should happen from the bottom up, through popular culture and choice. Otherwise, it is a sign that we are losing our freedom of speech.



There is an unwritten law, this law agrees with nature, and the truth is known when anything you can think of can not contradict the theory. This theory that one can change their sex by way of surgery has many inconsistencies and negative consequences for it to be presented as truth. The most disturbing part about this is we are allowing our precious children to be subjected to this theory and used as experiments. The long-term consequences have yet to reveal themselves; this matter will take time, and unfortunately, most of the damage being done can not be undone.



We, as a culture, are glamorizing gender dysphoria and promoting elective gender reassignment surgery as an answer. According to science, gender reassignment surgery can not change the anatomy’s cellular makeup or the human body’s reproductive parts. Surgery can only change outward appearance. So why are we, as a society promoting gender reassignment surgery as a remedy for gender dysphoria?


Here is my not theory, theory:

  • Money – Estimates place the average transition cost at $150,000 per person. Multiply that by an estimated population of 1.4 million who suffer from gender dysphoria; we’re talking about a market over $200B, not including the lifelong hormones that need to be taken, which average $1500 per year.


  •  Power – The taxpayer often pays for a portion of the reassignment surgery and medications. The more tax the people pay, the larger the government, transferring the power from the people to the government. A convenient reason for this theory to be promoted and start working in the minds of parents and children. This is the first marginalized group of people that can be used to tug on the feelings of the American people that has a significant monetary gain. History will tell us the best way to move people in a particular direction is to use their emotions. Edward Bernays, the writer of the book Propaganda, states any measure can and will be used by a political party to promote a plan to transfer money and power. Bernays, Freud’s nephew, is no stranger to the physiology used to move a group of people in a particular direction; he coined the term “public relations,” otherwise known as advertising or propaganda.


  • Family Breakdown – Building a society where gender does not matter leads to the breakdown of the nuclear family. The breakdown of the nuclear family is the best tool used to transfer power from the people to the government. More details are linked here on America’s Welfare System. Trying to build a healthy society by glamorizing the breakdown of the nuclear family is wilding unwise.



Our society, in its entirety, is, has been misguided and misinformed. The overall purpose of medicine is not to make one “feel better” or “momentarily happy” but to help treat the issue. Gender reassignment surgery, which is actually cosmetic surgery, has lifelong problems and complications. The hormonal medications that are administered must be taken for the rest of their lives. These medications can cause strokes, heart attacks, and cancer. Puberty blockers that are now prescribed to children can cause sterilization and other lifelong health problems.


If a child does not enter puberty at the natural time the body requires, there are negative health consequences that cannot be reversed. A child cannot rationally weigh these decisions during their adolescent years. One cannot put a pause on puberty without harming their reproductive organs. Society is now divided into two groups, one rooted in truth and those embedded in lies. This not only causes conflict but also causes chaos. Two plus Two does not equal five, no matter how much someone tries to convince you that it does.



“If thought can corrupt language, then language can corrupt thought. Language is central to human thought because it structures and limits the ideas that individuals can formulate and express. Language can eliminate the creation and expression of rebellious thoughts and create a perfectly obedient society. The language used to be necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it. – “George Orwell.”


It is best not to listen to educated fools when unpacking the mind-bending questions of today. Feelings should not dictate how we govern our society, wisdom should, and wisdom is rooted in truth and reality.

It has been said that “The best thing about absolute truth is that it works under every condition we can think of. No matter what experimental test or logical investigation we give, it will pass.”


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash