Simple Sweet Home

5 Tips to Organize Your Garage

When it comes to the garage, it may be one of the most accessible places to become the “catch-all” space in the home. This is where the; we don’t use, going to use, holiday décor, and donation pile land. The garage, by definition, is housing for vehicles. However, it has become a weatherproof attached storage space. I get it; we need storage; even if we are not keepers of everything, we still need some practical storage.


Five tips to Organize

1. How will the space be used?

Identify how the space will be best used; home gyms, Christmas décor, yard tools, play area, laundry, dry food storage, or vehicles. The garage can be multifunctional depending on the size; it is best to be practical when making this decision. If you want to get and keep it organized, consider it your top priority and not use it to serve all things.

2. Purge

This is, by far, one of my favorite tasks, purging. While I may be one of the few who love to purge things not used, some find it difficult. Ask yourself which is more important, having a garage that makes you feel organized and calm or keeping everything. Step one, remove all items you are sure you do not want. You have a few options when purging, sell the items and make some extra cash or donate the items. I have been on both sides; there is a time to sell items and donate. Everyone would like some extra money, but sometimes it is best to let go of things quickly and get organized.

3. Group Like Items

Group all like items together; this is the best way to know what you have and find it easily when you need access. When you group all your like items, consider removing some of the things even if they still interest you. For example, do the kiddo’s outdoor toys need three similar balls or all the Christmas lights you didn’t use last year? If you live owning slightly less than you are accustomed to, you may find you can live with less and still be comfortable.

4. Make a List

Write a list of the storage containers, hooks, and shelves needed for your current items and wait to purchase them. If you wait a bit longer, there may be some additional items you want to let go of. Also, practical verse beauty; I love beauty and symmetry when organizing, but I would choose practical and functional first. Be sure to stick to a budget; these items can get expensive. Marketers beautified organizing so much that we now think we need the fancy stuff; we don’t. Take your time; all storage containers do not have to match; look at Pinterest for ideas but be aware of the sales techniques.

5. Routine Upkeep

Keep up with the tidiness of the garage; the garage is part of the home and is best treated like any other room. Keeping it as tidy as you would in your living room adds a layer of care and aesthetics to the home. Purging is a continuous action in maintaining an organized and tidy home. Both minimalists and maximalists accumulate new items quickly. If you are aware and selective of the things that enter your home, you will purge less. Being aware of the items you have and confirming they are current and necessary for your lifestyle with help with your home edit.  Less stuff means less clutter and easier to keep organized. Find the number of items you are comfortable having, give every item a home, and tidiness will be a byproduct of these actions.



In conclusion, this is your home and your rules. This list was created to help spark new ideas when tackling your garage and can be customized to your space and needs. There is no one-size-fits-all with this, some may like to live with less, and some may want to live with more; both can attain an organized garage to be proud of. When it comes to material things, there is nothing more to be proud of than the space you live in, for you have poured time and energy into obtaining it. It is in perfecting the details that we get to enjoy it truly.


Photo by Kevin Wolf on Unsplash